jieun teaccher: en memoriam (2007-2008)

Seen here holding shells and silkworm larvae (that she later spilled the juice from all over my leg) Jieun teacher was my leison to the rest of the korean speaking world at my school. but no more. now she has moved on to a land of better homerooms, leaving me confused and angry.

granted, she probably had the hardest job in the world being my 'mom'.
typical questions jieun gets asked in a day by her native speaking equivalent (me):

do i have to?
what is going on?
where are we going?
what did he/she say?
what does that mean?
what are we having for lunch?
who are these jokers?
what animal does this food come from?
can you come help me with my computer?
will you write a lesson plan for me?
when is the absolute latest that i can have this done by?
who do you think would win in a fight between me and _______?

i really cant belive how patient she is with me.


stan said...

how does the word "jokers" come out in korean?
